How to Remove Bad Smell from Washing Machine

washing machineIntroduction:

A bad smell emanating from your washing machine can be unpleasant and frustrating. Over time, mold, mildew, and bacteria can build up in the machine, causing unpleasant odors to linger on your clothes. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the steps and techniques for effectively removing bad smells from your washing machine. From regular cleaning and maintenance washing machine to natural remedies and preventive measures, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to keep your washing machine smelling fresh and clean.

There are several types of washing machines available on the market:

Top-loading washing machines: These machines have a vertical drum where clothes are loaded from the top. They are generally more affordable and have faster wash cycles compared to front-loading machines. However, they typically use more water and have a lower capacity.

Front-loading washing machines:

These machines have a horizontal drum that is loaded from the front. They are known for their energy efficiency, water efficiency, and larger capacity. Front-loading machines generally have more advanced features, such as multiple wash cycles and options for delicate fabrics. However, they tend to be more expensive.

High-efficiency top-loading washing machines:

These machines combine the convenience of top-loading with the efficiency of front-loading machines. They use less water and energy compared to traditional top-loaders. High-efficiency top-loaders may have an impeller or an agitator mechanism to wash clothes.

Compact or portable washing machines:

These machines are smaller in size and designed for use in apartments, RVs, or small spaces. They have a lower capacity but offer the convenience of having a washing machine in compact areas.

Washer-dryer combo machines:

These machines combine the functions of a washing machine and a dryer in one unit. They are suitable for spaces where separate washer and dryer units are not feasible. However, the drying capacity of these combo machines may be smaller compared to standalone dryers.

Smart washing machines:

These machines are equipped with advanced technology that allows for remote control and monitoring through smartphone apps. They may have features like Wi-Fi connectivity, voice control, and automatic detergent dispensers.

Each type of washing machine has its own advantages and considerations. It’s important to consider factors such as capacity, energy efficiency, budget, and available space when selecting the most suitable type for your needs.

washing machinePotential consequences:

A bad smell from a washing machine can indicate various issues that may have potential consequences:

Mold and bacteria growth: If there is a persistent bad smell coming from your washing machine, it could be due to mold or bacteria growth. These microorganisms thrive in damp environments and can pose health risks, especially to individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies. Inhaling mold spores or bacteria can lead to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or allergic reactions.

Contamination of clothing:

A foul odor from the washing machine can result in clothing, towels, or other fabrics becoming contaminated with the unpleasant smell. This can be frustrating and may require additional washing or specialized cleaning to remove the odor from the affected items.

Reduced cleaning efficiency:

A smelly washing machine may not effectively clean your clothes. Lingering odors can transfer to the laundry, leaving them smelling less fresh and clean. This can be particularly problematic for items that require thorough cleaning, such as workout clothes or heavily soiled garments.

Increased energy consumption:

A washing machine with unpleasant odors may require more frequent washing cycles or longer wash times to achieve satisfactory results. This can lead to increased water and energy consumption, resulting in higher utility bills and environmental impact.

Potential damage to the machine:

If left unaddressed, a persistent bad smell in the washing machine may indicate underlying issues, such as clogged filters, blocked drainage pipes, or mechanical problems. Over time, these issues can cause damage to the machine, leading to costly repairs or the need for a replacement.

It’s important to address bad smells from your washing machine promptly. Regular cleaning and maintenance, such as cleaning the drum, detergent dispenser, and filters, can help prevent odors and maintain the cleanliness and functionality of the machine. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to consult a professional or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

washing machineRegular Cleaning and Maintenance

Clean the Drum:

Remove any visible debris or lint from the drum after each wash.
Wipe the drum with a damp cloth to remove any remaining dirt or residue.

Clean the Dispenser Drawer:

Remove the dispenser drawer and clean it thoroughly with warm soapy water.
Use an old toothbrush or small brush to clean hard-to-reach areas.

Clean the Filter:

Locate and clean the filter, which is often found at the bottom of the washing machine.
Remove any lint, debris, or buildup that may be causing unpleasant odors.

Natural Remedies for Removing Odors


Run an empty cycle with hot water and one cup of white vinegar to eliminate odors.
The vinegar will help remove any residue or buildup in the machine.

Baking Soda:

Sprinkle baking soda into the drum and run a hot water cycle.
Baking soda helps neutralize odors and remove any lingering smells.

Lemon Juice:

Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the dispenser drawer or drum.
Run a hot water cycle to freshen up the machine and eliminate odors.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Odors

Leave the Door Open:

After each use, leave the door of the washing machine open to allow air circulation.
This will help prevent moisture buildup and discourage the growth of mold and bacteria.

Use Proper Detergent:

Use high-quality detergents that are specifically designed for your type of washing machine.
Avoid using excessive amounts of detergent, as this can lead to residue buildup and odors.

Clean and Dry Clothes Promptly:

Remove your clothes from the machine as soon as the wash cycle is complete.
Leave them out to air dry or transfer them to the dryer promptly to avoid dampness and mildew growth.

washing machineProfessional Cleaning and Maintenance

Hire a Professional Service:

If the bad smell persists despite regular cleaning and maintenance, consider hiring a professional service.
Professional cleaners have the expertise and tools to thoroughly clean your washing machine and remove stubborn odors.

Regular Maintenance Checks:

Schedule regular maintenance checks with a professional to ensure that your washing machine is functioning optimally.
They can inspect the machine, clean hard-to-reach areas, and address any potential issues contributing to the bad smell.


Removing bad smells from your washing machine is essential for maintaining fresh and clean clothes. By following the steps and techniques outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively eliminate unpleasant odors and prevent them from recurring. Regular cleaning and maintenance, along with natural remedies and preventive measures, will help keep your washing machine smelling fresh and ensure that your clothes come out clean and odor-free. With proper care and attention, your washing machine will continue to provide reliable performance and fresh-smelling laundry for years to come.

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